Corvette Car Project by James Robbins

Take a peek at this brand new vision for the future form of the Corvette. This is a project worked on by a Transportation Design student James Robbins, one where the entire history of the Corvette was researched and the design language and progression was noted and accounted for. The images you’re about to see are what this designer sees as the next logical step in the long line of super sleek, fashionable, ultra sporty vehicles. More images after the break...

In this project the current C6 Corvette proportions were kept, the surface being broken up into interesting sections to further evolve the form. The designer lets us know that these images are the final CAD model built in Autodesk’s AutoStudio and rendered in Keyshot 2. Looks great!
Designer: James Robbins

via: Yanko Design You Might Also Like: -


Luxury Diamond said...

i drive this car always in need for speed...
nice post

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